I've no idea the fanciness level, but it's a Sunday afternoon in November in Michigan. I'm hoping that it's somewhere between formal and casual, to where I can pick an outfit that might be just on either edge of too formal or not formal enough.
I've narrowed it down to three.
Outfit 1:

Outfit 2:

I like #3 the best.
(and I loved your kyriarchy post too, but have nothing to say beyond way to go. <3 )
I like #2. Blue is my favorite color and that skirt rocks on you.
#1 :)
I like 3 the best, but I'm biased cos green's my favourite colour.
I'm another #2 fan. The blue is great :)
#2! Love the blue on black!
#1 - the hint of pink (or red... it could be red) is so cute!
#2 for the win.
#3 is cute and I love the color, but it somehow seems more summery.
On the other hand the best outfit is the one that makes you feel the most awesome.
#2 is gorgeous!!!
I like #2 because of the length of the skirt. And the blue stands out.
I like #2 the best of the three outfits, but #1 is nice too. I mostly think it's that black skirt, though, cuz it shows off your awesome legs.
If it were me, I'd stay away from #3 entirely if you're going for semi-formal. It's uhm...very casual.
I agree that the best outfit is the one that makes you feel most fabulous. But based on looks alone, my favourite is One, followed by Two.
Wow! All three outfits are really lovely and chic. I love them all and any of them would be a perfect choice. But what I can't stop focusing on are your gorgeous legs!
You go, JoGeek! Show off those beautiful gams!
PS: Call me crazy, but I just don't see you as fat honey. You have shape! Hooray!
my 2 cents
i like 2 the best: the skirt is really well-fitted, shows off some awesome legs (while still long enough to be appropriate) and the blue shirt is also well-proportioned, and one of my fave colors.
the green dress is also pretty but i feel like the skirt showcases you more.
whatever you choose, wear it in happiness!
I think they all look good. #3 is closest to my personal style, and is therefore my favorite but I'd be worried about being too cold. Florida living has thinned my blood!
I love #2 if the skirt has an asymetrical hem, but I like it still even if the hem is just the result of how you're standing.
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